Conference topics:
Principles, objectives and upstream policies for development of C4I based systems
- Outlook, objectives, policies and guidelines for development of C4I based systems in country
- Priorities of development programs in science and technologies, human resources, organization, structure and knowledge management
- Evaluation of future research and observation of trends
- The role of command and control related organizations in the country
Development of new knowledge and technology for improving localized C4I systems
- Basic and principal concepts in the area of C4I
- New communication technologies and their application in C4I
- New communication, network and data transition technologies
- Recognition science in the area of C4I
- Technologies of sensors, detection, guidance, control and navigation
- Comprehensive management of intelligent infrastructures
- Combination and processing of intelligent data in upgrading C4I systems
- The application of data extraction and knowledge management in C4I systems
- Application of versatile, self-control, decision making, data extracting and self-organized localized C4I based systems
Security in C4I based systems
- Security of cyber and data transition network
- Social networks, threats and opportunities
- Vulnerability of C4I based systems and solutions for dealing with them
- Security of communication and information infrastructures in C4I based systems
- Hardware security
- Architecture, modeling and simulation in procedures and C4I based systems
- Modeling user and intelligent features
- Modeling the relation between user and machine
- Design and development of the architecture of self-versatile systems in C4I
- Modeling war game
- Modeling and simulation of incident management
- Models and architectural frames of self-versatile systems in C4I
Command and control in military
- Role of command and control in prevention and management of military threats
- Command and control of modern wars
- Intelligent networks in military C4I systems
- Command and control in security and law enforcement
- Network circuit wars, heterogeneous wars, information and electronic wars
Command and control in nonmilitary applications
- Integrated energy distribution systems, banking, health, hygiene, transportation, traffic, electronic business, …
- Role of information and communication technology in command and control of incident management and passive defense
- Role of information and communication technology in command and control of the electronic government districts
Advancement, education and culture in the area of C4I
- Graduate level education requirements in the area of C4I
- Models, procedures and educational structures in the area of C4I
- Development, advancement and culture
Standards, rules and regulations in C4I zones
- Monetary and moral ownership rules in C4I area
- Governing standards for development of C4I
- Setting regulations in C4I area
- The role of legal and ethical problems in information and communication technologies
- The role information and communication technologies in justice and social discipline
- Security standards in automated systems
- Standards and frameworks for development of C4I systems