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:: Introduction ::

Uniform command and integrated management based on new technologies has affected all levels of command, from battlefield scene and crisis management to business management. Technology has provided new and unique abilities for recognition and prediction of events and their evolutionary trend in different scenes of economics, politics, society, military and security and has created more efficient and faster methods for collection, process, valuation, framing and providing access to the data. As a result, a significant evolution in attitudes and methods of command and management is created.

     Development and operation of secure information and communication infrastructures results in the possibility for the commander and manager to receive essential and useful information with high accuracy and speed in the scene of operation and using intelligent systems, a real analysis of the situation and proper suggestions for action will be available. Therefore in a secure, calm and decision making environment, they can manage the scene of operation. Considering the presence of external threats and also the current situation of the country and the occurrence of natural disasters, Kharazmi University, as a symbol of education and research in the area of defense and crisis, is honored to run the “Ninth Conference on Command and Control of Iran C4I” with the cooperation of Iranian Society of Command and Control.

      It is hoped that a proper situation is provided for presenting the latest science and technology in the area of command and control and also development of applications, solving oncoming challenges and localization of these systems with the support of faculties, students, commanders, managers and scholars.




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نهمین کنفرانس فرماندهی و کنترل ایران 9th Conference of Command, Control, Communication and Computers Intelligence
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